
Monday, June 18, 2012

Is Insomniac Responible for Two Vegas Deaths?

We would like to start of by saying that our thoughts go out to the families of the two individuals that died last week following EDC; music festivals are all about celebrating life, not putting yourself in danger.  That being said, we are not surprised the media is trying to blame Insomniac for these tragedies, in addition to claiming that they condone the use of drugs within their events. 

According to the Huffington Post, twenty-two year old Emily McCaughan fell off the roof of her twenty seven story Las Vegas hotel following EDC.  Family members claim she was having paranoid delusions after taking ecstasy pills during the festival.  Maybe McCaughan did suffer through negative side effects of the illegal substance, but she voluntarily ingested them.  We all know that drugs are bad and by doing them you're putting yourself in harms way, but it's time for people to start taking responsibility for their actions instead of placing the blame on someone else.  Anyone who attended EDC this year would agree that there were massive amounts of police, (more than I saw in all of Las Vegas), drug dogs and a large medical staff in addition to the intense security check at the entrance.  The TSA should be taking lessons from Insomniac's staff, because never before have I been felt up by security to check if I was hiding illegal items in my bra. 

What's even more interesting about this whole scandal is that the other individual who died following the festival was a 31 year old Florida man who friends say had been drinking prior to the incident.  Since alcohol is legal in this country, his case isn't receiving nearly as much attention and no one from his end are accusing Insomniac for hosting an "alcohol ridden" event.  So while the spokeswoman for McCaughan's family claims, "Damn it, they (drugs) are just killers every single time", maybe she should also lobby the city of Las Vegas and Insomniac to produce a "dry" festival, but for some reason we don't think this is likely...

For more, check out the a full article here.

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